New Logo and New Packaging!

Hey Communitea!
Please read the following... an update on our new logo and packaging and what Little Prayer Tea Company has been up to recently and what we are planning for the future.
2022 has been an extremely busy year for us so far. Our business continues to grow, and we want to thank all of you for your continued support. Not only has our business grown, but we were hit with a few things this year that made us sit down and think about how we would move forward.
Bare with me as I try to explain, but this has been a combination of things that has us really contemplating our business strategy.
To start, we have been working slowly in the background for the last year or so on a new logo and new packaging designs. When we started this business, we really didn't have a clear packaging strategy, we were just throwing things out to see what stuck. This process allowed us to learn a lot over the years about our customers and our business, but going forward, we decided that we were going to create a more uniform packaging strategy, and instead of just being a tea business, we wanted to be a more recognizable brand.
We are super excited about this new packaging and branding, but we weren't supposed to reveal all of this until 2023. Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of our control, we decided that we needed to rush this new strategy and get it out as soon as possible. The problem with rushing the strategy is that this is going to be a big hit on us financially, so we have been trying to figure out how to afford all of this. This leads me to why we needed to rush the new logo and packaging.
I'm sure that all of you have seen rising prices throughout just about every industry. Well, we were not exempt from these rising prices. We have been receiving emails from all of our suppliers throughout 2021 and into 2022, letting us know that our prices will be going up. Now, the common thing for a small business to do after hearing this is to raise their prices and push costs onto their customer base. This is something we DO NOT want to do at all costs (literally). To give a quick example and a very important change to our business, the tins that we use for packaging our tea have gone up in price by over 150% since 2021. This brings us to some bad news... We will no longer be offering tins for our tea once all our current stock is sold out :(. We just cannot afford the cost and keep the low prices for our customers. We decided that our customers are more important.
Since we were going to have to change packaging anyways to move away from our tins, we decided, why pay for new packaging with our old logo, just to change it all again with our new designs in 2023. So, moving forward, when we need to purchase new packaging, we will be using our new logo and packaging designs. This also means, that you as a customer, depending on what you order, may receive either our old packaging or if it's available our new packaging, but rest assured, the tea will be just as delicious.
So... long story short. We are super excited for the future of Little Prayer Tea Company, and we hope that you will continue to support us. We know that our tins were loved, but we hope that you will enjoy what we have coming just as much. There is so much in the pipeline that I am just bursting with excitement!
Thank you again so much for being loyal customers, loving people, and most of all, part of our communitea.
God bless, we love you and are praying for you.
Ryan, Regina, Thea and Teijo
Below is a sneak peek of our new logo design and packaging design. We hope you like it and would love to hear your feedback in the comments.